Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Is Obama Serious About Climate Change Action?

President Obama speaking recently at the Solar Panel Field at the Copper Mountain Solar 1 Facility in Boulder City, Nevada, the largest photovoltaic plant operating in the country.
(Cross-posted at Winning Progressive)

When it comes to climate change action, the Obama Administration is feeling the heat. Literally. All the president needs to do is step outside the White House doors and spend some time in the Rose Garden to feel Washington’s warmest winter on record. And cities across the United States have been experiencing record high temperatures this winter. Obama’s campaign headquarters is in Chicago, where the Windy City last Wednesday hit a high of 87 degrees Fahrenheit. The next day the temperature at O’Hare Airport was 83 degrees, capping nine straight days of record-breaking or record-tying high temperatures in Chicago.

While there is a difference between daily weather changes and climate patterns over time, the “summer in March” has climatologists concerned. “Global warming boosts the probability of really extreme events, like the recent U.S. heat wave, far more than it boosts more moderate events,” climate scientists Stefan Rahmstorf and Dim Coumou wrote recently in the RealClimate blog.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What the End of Gasoline Looks Like: Green Cars in America

The 2012 Ford Focus Electric Vehicle on display at the Washington Auto Show.

There is a green revolution taking place in the American automobile industry—cars are getting smaller, more fuel efficient, more electric and more capable of carrying cleaner burning alternative fuels like ethanol and biodiesel. This long overdue shift to low and zero emission vehicles is largely thanks to the Obama Administration's increased fuel efficiency standards. The fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions rule adopted in 2010 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) took effect in 2011 and will increase miles per gallon requirements every year until 2025, when the window sticker rating must be 54.5 MPG. That means less trips to the gas station, more money savings, more energy security with less reliance on foreign oil, cleaner air to breathe and combating climate change by reducing CO2 emissions.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and EPA's website provides consumers with fuel saving tips, information on the new fuel economy and environment label designs for the new generation of vehicles that will begin model year 2013, and helps car buyers choose the most fuel efficient vehicles on the market.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe Charged Up About Green Economy

Terry McAuliffe in a Greentech electric car.
Yes Virginia, there are forward-thinking leaders in your state. I know it seems like all hope is lost with the Republican legislature, governor and attorney general determined to turn the clock back by forcing a radically divisive social agenda upon the residents of the Old Dominion. The right-wing regime in Richmond would like to roll back all the progress that has been made. That’s one reason why it was refreshing to hear former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe give a positive message about clean energy jobs and growing the green economy.

The McLean resident spoke this past November at George Mason University’s School of Public Policy in Arlington about his electric car company and how to get Virginia and the United States competing in the global green economy. The event was titled “The Green Economy: Competing Globally for Jobs of the Future.”