Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Guest Post: Ten Ways To Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

Making eco-sensitive improvements in your home is both environmentally beneficial and monetarily beneficial, for these eco-friendly changes are more energy efficient, which means less money spent on utilities.

Here are 10 ways your home can be more eco-sensitive:

1. Appliances Older appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, wine coolers, and microwaves use a lot of energy. While the appliances might be in fine working condition, the amount of energy it takes to run those appliances is sucking money out from your bank account. By investing in new, energy efficient appliances, not only will you notice how quiet they are, but you will also notice a dramatic decrease on your electric bill. Additionally, energy efficient electronics such as TVs, stereos, and computers are becoming more popular. Click here for more ways to save on TVs.

2. Insulation Many homes that were built before energy-saving became a priority probably have little insulation in the walls, especially in areas such as the attic or basement. Because of this, the house easily changes in temperature by getting cold in the winter and warm in the summer, leaving you to remediate the problem with your thermostat. By insulating the home, you will notice quite a difference in temperature. To be further eco-sensitive, look into recycled insulation products.

3. Home Accessories Use recycled materials like reclaimed wood or metal to decorate the inside of your home. Reclaimed wood can easily be turned into a fireplace mantel, coffee table, or dining room table.

4. Solar Panels Solar energy, which is radiant light and heat from the sun, can be used in a variety of ways in the home. From outdoor house lights to garden lights to roof panels, solar powered products are extremely energy efficient, for they rely on daylight as fuel.

5. Windows Old windows tend to let air into the home, thus making it drafty and uncomfortable. Replacing old single-paned windows with double-paned windows is much more energy efficient, for by replacing with double-paned windows, the home is more resistant to weather temperature, which makes the house more comfortable without adjusting the thermostat.

6. Window Frames Choose wood-framed windows rather than UPVC or metal. Wood is easier to repair, offers more insulation, and lasts longer than cheaper, UPVC or metal, which can emit toxic compounds and pollution.

7. Energy-Efficient Bulbs Once unattractive and lacking in style, energy efficient bulbs are now standard. Some states have actually banned using regular incandescent light bulbs, for CFL (compact fluorescent) energy efficient bulbs prevent the emission of over 400 pounds of greenhouse gasses.

8. Water-Saving Showerhead and Faucet Purchasing an aerated or low-flow showerhead, sink faucet, and kitchen faucet will save a fortune on the water bill, not to mention a ton of energy.

9. Chimney If there is a howling that comes from your chimney, then energy is being wasted. Look for padded draught-excluders or close the chimney flue when you aren’t using it.

10. Electricity Consumption Purchase an electronic electricity meter to monitor your electrical consumption. Being more eco-sensitive can be done in quick, simple ways that will save you money.

Image Source: www.friendlycontractor.com

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